‘Lido for Solana’ is a liquid staking protocol for the Solana blockchain, governed by Lido-DAO. By staking their SOL tokens with Lido, users receive on-chain representation of their staked SOL called stSOL. This enables Solana token holders to access liquidity for their staked assets, which can be traded or used as collateral in DeFi products. stSOL serves as a tokenized version of staked SOL, and Lido for Solana is supported by top staking providers. It allows participation with any amount of SOL and makes staked SOL liquid.
To utilize Lido, SOL token holders connect their wallet and deposit their tokens. In return, they receive stSOL tokens representing a share of the total pool, and Lido delegates the SOL to Lido-controlled validators on the Solana network. As the delegated stake earns rewards, the total managed SOL increases, boosting the value of stSOL tokens. stSOL can be used like SOL, enabling holders to earn staking rewards while also benefiting from integrated platforms like Saber and Raydium.
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