Dragon Kart is an innovative cryptocurrency that introduces the world's first interactive racing game based on Binance Smart Chain. In this thrilling 3D Play-to-Earn Battle Racing game, players will have the opportunity to engage with beloved characters from the popular Pikalong comics series, created by the renowned Vietnamese artist Thang Fly. Known for its broad reach and popularity, the Pikalong series has captivated millions of users on Zalo, Vietnam's leading communication app, for over five years. With an impressive following of 1.4 million on Facebook, Thang Fly is an influential figure in the Vietnamese art scene. Notable features of Dragon Kart include its highly skilled development team, with members boasting 7-10 years of experience in the technology and related fields. Additionally, the game's minimum viable product has already been released, and a demo version is ready for testing.
For those who want to download the Dragon-Kart logo, we have
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Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple, Dash, Monero, Zcash, and many more. All of them are available in PNG format. And if you
want to show support for one of the cryptocurrencies, our collection of logos is at your disposal, including
the Dragon-Kart logo.