EQIFI is a decentralized platform that allows users to pool their loans, borrow assets, and invest in various cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies. It offers a unified platform for DeFi products, including banking services, loans, custody, debit and credit cards, OTC trading, and wealth management. With EQIFI, traders, investors, developers, exchanges, and app users can borrow against multiple types of assets without having to sell them. Apps can also borrow assets for use in the Ethereum ecosystem without having to wait for orders to close or rely on off-chain activity. Speculators can leverage different trading techniques, such as shorting, to maximize their opportunities, while miners can borrow against a wide range of collateral options. The platform consists of four main products: Fixed Rate Products, Variable Rate Products, Interest Rate Swaps, and Yield Aggregator. Fixed Rate Products are pooled loans with fixed interest rates that settle on a specified future date. Variable Rate Products feature algorithmic borrow rates that automatically adjust based on user activity and demand. Interest Rate Swaps involve the exchange of future interest payments based on a specified principal amount. Yield Aggregator automates the process of farming yields from various external platforms, making it user-friendly for both experienced and novice investors. Overall, EQIFI aims to be the leading self-investment platform, optimizing capital allocation for maximum profit and margin.
For those who want to download the Eqifi logo, we have
compiled a list of all the major cryptocurrencies in PNG and SVG format. Our collection includes logos for Bitcoin,
Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple, Dash, Monero, Zcash, and many more. All of them are available in PNG format. And if you
want to show support for one of the cryptocurrencies, our collection of logos is at your disposal, including
the Eqifi logo.