CULT is a cryptocurrency that represents ownership in CULT DAO and can be easily bought and sold. When CULT is transacted, a small fee is collected, which contributes to the funding of investments in decentralized technologies through the DAO treasury. By staking CULT in the Cult DAO, it is converted to dCULT, which is a "proof of stake token" for CULT. Staked CULT can be swapped back to its original amount at any time, along with any rewards earned during the ownership of dCULT.
Cult DAO and its funding process operate in a completely decentralized manner, making it unstoppable. As long as there are people using CULT, Guardians submitting proposals, and users voting, Cult DAO will continue to finance revolutionaries, advocates of decentralization, and those striving to break societal chains. Proposals can only be submitted by the top 50 CULT holders known as Guardians. Guardians cannot vote and are less susceptible to corruption in decision-making. Proposals must align with at least one of the following criteria: 1) fighting against centralization, 2) advancing decentralization, and 3) directly benefiting a noble cause. The source of proposals can be diverse, including VCs, community members, politicians, anarchists, socialists, etc., as long as they meet the criteria and are submitted by a Guardian.
Proposals should include details such as the total supply of the investee protocol token, the percentage of the supply offered in return for a 13 ETH investment, tokenomics, audit reports of the token and contracts, and the burn and distribution plan. The burn and distribution plan determines the schedule for releasing the investee protocol token. For example, if the investee protocol ABC DAO promises to distribute 1.2% of its $ABC token monthly for 12 months, it will exchange 0.1% of its token supply (1.2% over 12 months) for $CULT on the repayment date. Half of the received CULT is burned, while the other half is paid out to dCULT holders in the Cult DAO.
The main purpose of CULT is to expedite the downfall of the traditional financial system and break free from the control of sovereign nations and central banks. The current financial system perpetuates poverty, as a debt-based society requires inflation to function, ultimately disadvantaging the poor and maintaining the dominance of the ruling class.
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Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple, Dash, Monero, Zcash, and many more. All of them are available in PNG format. And if you
want to show support for one of the cryptocurrencies, our collection of logos is at your disposal, including
the Cult-Dao logo.