Staking is a feature that allows users of the platform to enjoy various benefits such as free bots, trading signals, and educational content. The price warranty ensures that the token's price will remain the same as the initial purchase price if it is used to buy products and services from, even if the token's price is lower in the public exchange. This warranty remains valid as long as the user has not used up all their tokens acquired during the token sale. Additionally, clients can participate in the Liquidity Pool and receive an annual percentage reward of 20-30% for a limited time. To gradually reduce the total supply, a step-by-step burning program will be implemented where a percentage of tokens used for payments on the platform will be burned until 50% of the total supply is burned. Finally, team members and advisors will receive their tokens gradually over several years through a vesting period.
For those who want to download the B-Cube-Ai logo, we have
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want to show support for one of the cryptocurrencies, our collection of logos is at your disposal, including
the B-Cube-Ai logo.